
Showing posts from July, 2020

Mop Doctor Who Episode 5: The Planet of Doom

This was made using the Doctor Who Solitaire Story game, it can be downloaded here: So when you choose a companion the way I did, you actually also improve one of their stats, so I improved his bravery by 1 making Lewis’ stats: Brains: 3 Brawn: 6 Bravery: 7 Now that the stats are out of the way, let’s gooooooooooo. Doctor Who Themes and Remixes by Danny Stewart Lewis and I exited the Tardis onto the planet, very rocky, very sandy. I mimed tasting the air and said to Lewis “this appears to be Bitrosis Prime circa 4007.” He looked amazed that I guessed this, good thing he didn’t notice that that flashed on the monitor in the Tardis earlier, my ploy to look smarter worked. We walked around a bit, he asked all the usual questions, “Why do you have such a good fashion sense?” “Why is it a police box?” “You have nice hair?”, the usual, maybe some exaggeration, mostly he just looked around gobsmacked. Su...

Mop Doctor Who Episode 4: Funhouse

This is a playthrough of the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game. If you’re interested in playing it, it can be downloaded here Starting off, I decided to get another gadget and lucky me, I got myself a sonic screwdriver! Yes I have been operating without one for like 3 episodes, how not Doctor Who of me (everything else I’ve done is right though clearly). So after doing a quick doodle of it that ended up looking like a novelty pen, it’s time to go to the countryside, 1947. I step out of the Tardis to a lively atmosphere, the Carnival is in town, people come from around town to have fun and be scammed by that one game where you have to knock down all the cans (you see the secret is the bottom cans have weights in them, can’t knock them down if you tried). Something about it struck me as odd though… maybe I’ve just been around too many sinister carnivals. Still, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to check. May...

Mop Doctor Who Episode 3: Jailhouse Rock

If this for some reason makes you want to play Doctor Who the Solitaire Story Game, the pdf can be downloaded here Prologue: The Transparent man Ok so I actually tried this scenario twice and they both went terribly for me so I restarted, On the first one, I immediately encountered Mondasian Cybermen in their base. Only problem, I didn’t know what their base was, they didn’t really have a base event. 2nd one I met River Song, we got split up and I was arrested and sentenced to death, I escaped, immediately got captured by the Ice Warriors and honestly any result that could happen after that made me a bit fed up so now here’s the 3rd attempt.  I exited the Tardis into a vast underground cavern, buildings going up to the ceiling in place of a sky. The architecture was familiar to me, it was the city of the Silurians. As far as I knew, they weren’t planning anything, assuming anyone is planning ...

Mop Doctor Who Episode 2: When in Rome

If this makes you interested in playing the game, it can be downloaded here: The Tardis spilled into an alleyway, where I got out to a most marvellous city, reminiscent of the Roman Empire, but futuristic, flying chariots and robots! It is the year 12005, the 2nd Roman Empire is in full swing, streets are gold and I’m just there in awe. I then see this Man, Francisco he tells me his name is… his garb is garish, symbol of Jupiter hanging from his neck. There were 7 others following him, I managed to get on his good side, and he imparted on me some wisdom I didn’t understand before leaving.  I wandered around the city some more, marvelling at the familiar yet futuristic architecture, until I crossed paths with some soldiers, their armour similar to that of the Romans but the Metal was clearly Alien in nature and any bare skin was protected by a forcefield (clearly just for the spectacle a...

Mop Doctor Who Episode 1: The Strangers inside your Skin

I remember finding “Doctor Who: Solitaire Story Game” from browsing the internet and decided to see if I could make a season out of it, that’s the premise bb, a season in this game has 10 episodes so that’s the goal. If this makes you at all interested in the game, you can find it here, though only the beginning of this will focus on any core mechanics, the rest is a dramatised version of the events created with this game. First off, let’s regenerate from whoever the fuck was doctor last (I’m not gonna bother to place my Doctor anywhere).  I decided my doctor will have 10 in Brains (that’s just the default you start with), 7 in Brawn (added 3 points because idk I wanna beat people up good) and 9 in Bravery (added 2 points because I didn’t want to add them to brains). I then picked the following skills: Charisma Demolitions Gloating Poison Science Tardis Thief Tracking With 5 Luck points, it’s...