Mop Doctor Who Episode 5: The Planet of Doom
This was made using the Doctor Who Solitaire Story game, it can be downloaded here:
So when you choose a companion the way I did, you actually also improve one of their stats, so I improved his bravery by 1 making Lewis’ stats:
Brains: 3
Brawn: 6
Bravery: 7
Now that the stats are out of the way, let’s gooooooooooo.
Lewis and I exited the Tardis onto the planet, very rocky, very sandy. I mimed tasting the air and said to Lewis “this appears to be Bitrosis Prime circa 4007.” He looked amazed that I guessed this, good thing he didn’t notice that that flashed on the monitor in the Tardis earlier, my ploy to look smarter worked. We walked around a bit, he asked all the usual questions, “Why do you have such a good fashion sense?” “Why is it a police box?” “You have nice hair?”, the usual, maybe some exaggeration, mostly he just looked around gobsmacked. Suddenly, our pleasant walk was interrupted by the presence of a giant metal spike pointing towards the turquoise sky: some kind of transmission device crudely and quickly planted, possibly an invasion attempt. Ofcourse I tried to meddle with it, didn’t seem to break, didn’t harm me either. I said “I know you were having fun, but I need to investigate this, see there’s nothing going on.”, he just nodded, rude. I do like having him around though, humans being baffled at space brings me some level of joy.
My investigation turned out to be fruitless so we continued with our original plan, that being the space picnic. I started to set up the tablecloth cloth when 4 scientists came up to me, guarded by 2 soldiers. The group as a whole was a 50/50 split of people who looked exactly like humans and aliens who looked exactly like humans but with blue skin. The one in a red lab coat walked up to me and said “Greetings sir, we represent Spacefleet, we’ve been observing environmental activity on this planet. Our readings indicate that there’s a factory here somewhere, when you came here you promised not to interfere so why are you doing it, what’s your plan? We ask you to leave so that the wilderness here can remain undisturbed.” now, I was confused as to why they thought I did this as I’d only just got here. Lewis awkwardly waved at them while holding his lunch. I said “I don’t know who you think I am but I would never do this, at the very least because it’s so… ugly. Anyway, we’re just having a picnic, that can’t be disturbing the environment too much for you right?” They looked at me in disbelief before retreating away to what I assumed was their base, I wouldn’t know, I couldn’t see it. Still, I told Lewis it might be best we move our picnic elsewhere.
While I was moving elsewhere, a small little alien beast tried to attack me, body of a bear, head of a pig, brains of a rock. Speaking of rocks, I killed it. When I got back, I saw our lunch and a blanket, but no Lewis. Great. How am I supposed to find him?
Meanwhile in Lewis’ head:
I was just setting up the picnic when the Doctor ran off. Glad he enjoys my company. I felt someone hit the back of my head and I fell unconscious and woke up in some sort of temporary camp set up by Spacefleet. I heard them ask me questions like “How do you know this man?” and “Who are you to this man?” and I was just confused by it all… last night I was taken away by this strange man and now all of a sudden I’m hearing him being likened to a criminal mastermind on a planet I don’t even live on during a year I won’t be alive for naturally. I just hope they let me out soon.
Back to the Doctor:
I followed a trail probably made by his heels being dragged through the dirt, and instead came across a factory on this planet, almost looks like it was teleported in as opposed to built there. I snuck through the back and discovered a man sitting alone. Old… voice like a smoker speaking through one of those things they put on your neck… wheelchair bound but instead of a wheelchair it’s the lower half of a… Dalek… oh for fuck’s sake it’s Davros! I hid and chose to follow him, fortunately he was very much alone. Unfortunately, I quickly lost him as he went through 1 door and locked it, still unaware that I’m here. Just what is his plan for this place? At least I know who set up the communications dish I guess.
Back to Lewis:
They keep asking me questions as though I should know but I don’t know! They keep telling me his name is Davros, I tell them “No, he’s the Doctor, we had a very long and boring conversation about this, he’s just the Doctor.”, but they reply with “We are very much aware he was a Doctor on Skaro.”, Skaro doesn’t make sense as a home planet to me because he said… some other planet name, Galfrill or something, I don’t know, I wasn’t paying that much attention. Escape attempt failed again. Help me.
Back to the Doctor:
I wandered around the factory some more and found a small laboratory. I still couldn’t gleam what his plans were, but I did find a weapon, a sonic blaster. They appeared to be cannibalising it in order to make blasters for the Daleks. I couldn’t use that thing, but I bet Lewis could… if I could find him… hoping he was captured by Davros to be honest because that way I’m not abandoning him.
Back to Lewis:
I managed to break the lock and run out of their small makeshift prison area, they must’ve only set it up now as a temporary thing. As I ran out, their guards ran after me, but I didn’t become a policeman by being bad at running so I managed to outrun them luckily. I managed to reach the area where I started to set up my picnic… the Doctor still wasn’t here… in fact, he took his… very weird looking “Sonic Screwdriver” (how it’s a screwdriver I do not know), so he left to go look for me! Oh, I best go look for him now.
Back to the Doctor:
More fruitless investigating later and I heard someone sneak in. I grabbed the gun that I had no hope to fire and walked up to it… Lewis! Oh I was glad to see him, apparently he was imprisoned by that group camping up on the planet, probably investigating this sudden activity here… they also think I might be Davros… that’s concerning. I gave him the gun and continued investigating. Then I heard footsteps headed towards me again… a man in a business suit. He said “Hello, are you Davros?” (when he said it he sort of pronounced it Daveros), great, another one mistaking me for that monster, do we even have anything in common I’M YOUNGER FOR CRYING OUT LOUD (visually younger than him, I’m actually way older than him), I STILL HAVE HAIR, also I can still walk, but I went along with it. He seemed to be about to tell us something important, but he stopped and said “Oh, I’m sure you already knew that.” in a way that signified to me that he didn’t. He then said “So, when do you want me to start production on the Daleks?” “Don’t! I mean, not now.” I replied. He then finally left us alone.
Well that was an oddly unsatisfying end to this- wait, it’s not over yet, sorry.
We wandered around and found a room with a monitor. On it was the science team we saw earlier, Lewis identified the area as the place they were holding him. They were all dead. Blaster shots marked their clothes, Daleks did this. I then realised I was unable to move. Davros entered, followed by 1 Dalek, though 1 is dangerous enough to kill all 3 others in the room. It’s body was grey, with light blue semi-spheres protruding from it, a blue base, blue dome and red lights on its head. “Ah Doctor, good that I caught your attention, now you’re exactly where I want you.” said Davros. “My Daleks have grown weak, but your regeneration energy can make them stronger than ever Doctor.” I couldn’t move, I was trapped in this circle. “Take his little Companion over to the Conveyor Belt. We need people to run this after all.”
He rolled away, prompting me to use my sonic screwdriver to break it and escape, I grabbed Lewis away from the conveyor belt (no workers other than him, maybe they were planning on getting more), we ran until I came face to face with Davros again. Alone. I had to stop him. It was easy really, I had Lewis lift up a shield that was keeping the button from being pressed, I said things like “You can’t even make your own blasters anymore, you have to take tech from the bloody Time Agents! Those guys would somehow make a potato dangerous if they invented it!” and “I’m smarter than you, that’s why they so easily believed that I was Davros instead of you!” and this got him rather upset, so when he turned around to press some buttons and call guards I just smacked the back of his head and it landed on a button that prompted a lot of warning messages and “Are you sure” messages from the computer because it was meant to be a last resort button to blow up the base. We ran and ran and ran out of the factory until boom the whole thing exploded, no more Davros, no more Dalek, the weird businessman managed to get out and was all like “So… you aren’t Davros… he showed me a picture of you when he asked me to fund it all, sorry.”. Oh how easy it is to trick humans.
We found ourselves back at the picnic where it all began. The sandwiches were still good, the tea was cold but I could heat it up with the screwdriver. And the factory was hidden from view, so we could just enjoy the scenic view of the planet. It was a lovely afternoon.
Well that session was weird, why a picnic I do not know, glad we got to meet a Dalek finally, wouldn’t be Doctor Who without them. Join us next time in the 1920’s where the Doctor has been invited to a party at the Fairfax manor.
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