Mop Doctor Who Episode 4: Funhouse

This is a playthrough of the Doctor Who Solitaire Story Game. If you’re interested in playing it, it can be downloaded here

Starting off, I decided to get another gadget and lucky me, I got myself a sonic screwdriver! Yes I have been operating without one for like 3 episodes, how not Doctor Who of me (everything else I’ve done is right though clearly). So after doing a quick doodle of it that ended up looking like a novelty pen, it’s time to go to the countryside, 1947.

I step out of the Tardis to a lively atmosphere, the Carnival is in town, people come from around town to have fun and be scammed by that one game where you have to knock down all the cans (you see the secret is the bottom cans have weights in them, can’t knock them down if you tried). Something about it struck me as odd though… maybe I’ve just been around too many sinister carnivals. Still, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to check. Maybe I’d be able to win a stuffed animal and chuck it in the corner of the Tardis.

As I walked through the fairgrounds, I saw what appeared to be a colourfully cloaked spaceship. Now, you may be thinking “that’s just a tent” and to that I say no, it looked like a spaceship to me, loosely cloaked, no big point at the top. I entered this tent (because it did turn out to just be a tent but shut up I know what I saw), only to find myself gazing at unending winding corridors of myself, a hall of mirrors… embarrassed to say I was lost, should’ve just broken the mirrors on the way in though that’d lacerate my hand… nevertheless, I continued being lost until by pure luck I managed to find an exit. I gazed upon the tent, it did look like a tent now, not a spaceship… I inspected the others. Inside another I found a lion in a cage, very loosely closed, not even locked, I knew to run before I did and thank goodness I did because next thing I know I was chased by a Lion. I managed to escape it into the main area where everyone was, the Lion seemed to have completely disappeared… what’s going on…

I went around more, nearly had a run-in with the police, they would’ve arrested me if I didn’t flash my psychic paper. It’s telling that the police were already there… Did some talking around, they all told me this reminded them of some local legend of an evil Carnival that would just appear one day and kidnap kids, taking them far away, never to be seen again. Suddenly where I walked ended with 5 grinning clowns. Now, I always want to talk it out first, the only problem is how the Hell do you convince a Clown not to attack you? They don’t have beliefs. I ran but they caught up to me, so I had to talk them away… luckily telling a bad knock knock joke got them to leave me alone. I’m not scared of clowns, but they are annoying… and they didn’t appear to speak… 

I continued my fruitless investigation when I came across the clowns again, or rather, they came across me. They were all holding something. They tossed it at me, upon which I realised it was a corpse, specifically the corpse of the policeman I talked to earlier… this was a warning. I ran as far as I could from them and they let up easily...

As night fell, I wandered around looking for any piece of info I could find, but to no avail. Suddenly, the clowns showed up. Again. This time they were led by a man simply going by the Ringmaster. He said with his particularly grating voice “When will you GET IT Doctor, we don’t want you around here. We’ve had a good thing going for centuries, we come in, the kids come in. They get to have all the fun they want, but eventually they have to repay the favour, either help us keep this running or we sell them, simple as that. It’s not even illegal-“ “I know it’s not illegal.” I interrupted… I really need to get them to make it illegal, I’ll have to take it up with the shadow proclamation, they’re the closest thing I know to space law. 

He angrily replied “THEN RUN!” and the clowns began to run towards me, though I ran towards a crowd and that seemed to shake them off… at this point my thought process was that if they aren’t permanently stopped now, then they’ll keep doing this for centuries and centuries, this was still legal in 12005 AD, even today is 1 day too many for this to continue. The Carnival must be destroyed. Just when I thought I’d lost them, I saw them prowling around looking for me. Quickly I hid inside a tent, whereupon I saw 4 police officers, 2 of them were with the one I saw earlier. One of them was a man named Lewis, I told him about the one that was dead and they decided to team up with me to blow up the now desolate Carnival.

With this new force behind meI went up, confronted him, said “Leave the planet or this whole place goes sky high, and don’t think of coming back. Release any children you’ve caught also or I’ll track you down myself.” This worked enough to get them packing up. 7 or so children poured out of a tent and 3 of the officers took them home. Meanwhile their ship flew through the air... then boom. It was nothing. Just as planned. Lewis honestly looked baffled by it all, he said “... you don’t seem phased by anything that’s happened… how often do you do this?”. I wasn’t actually sure, so I just replied “Want to find out?” I was hoping he’d join, it was getting rather lonely in the Tardis… now a con of this is he’s not only a cop, but one from the 40’s… but he appears to be on a good side, he seemed to wince whenever one of the others said the slurs I didn’t write down… if he turns out to be a prick, I can just drop him off in the middle of space like the last one. The point is, I laid out an offer and he accepted. We left this Carnival, this time, maybe even this planet, together.

So yeah meet the new companion, Lewis. I don’t think I created an episode I would like, I didn’t even mention that randomly in the middle of it it showed me that they knew about Runes like that doesn’t really fit with this weird alien circus, I don’t find clowns that intimidating, but on the plus side it did have some character advancement with me gaining the sonic screwdriver offscreen finally and a companion (yeah turns out you can just turn an ally into a companion by spending luck points, rip Fred and Dr Kramer) so it’s not entirely a waste.

(That’s the quick sonic screwdriver sketch I did, Uh I don’t know where the tentacle came from, maybe a Dalek or something idk I just made it up as I went along, that was wood originally but I only had purple) Join us next time on a non-Earth planet finally! So probably just a Quarry.

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