Works that are slightly more prestigious

Let's face it, I'm a big boy, big cool real boy, and big cool real boys need to put their slightly more prestigious works somewhere, so here is where I shall dump the links.

"10,000 Dawns: How to Survive Winter": For this I wrote "Base Named Solace 5", a story that has been described by the editor as "The Thing but nicecore." which is a description I very much love. Unfortunately this anthology contains a story by Sam Maleski who is a piece of shit. Luckily, in an anthology you can just ignore stories!  

LINDA - High Score of  Death!!!: A short story that can also be found on the #LIINDAUnited section of the Doctor Who Lockdown website. Have it be known I am still salty that the wiki got my name wrong and that I had to correct it.

Special Weapons: A story I did for the #WhoAreYouCallingSmall watchalong/fundraiser by Friends of Ace.

Coming Soon:

I am writing a novella for "Cwej: Hidden Truths" by Arcbeatle Press.

Mystery Doctor Omega story oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo


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