Cyberman: Alone Among the Stars (Episode 2: Disjointed)

The PDA entries in this story were prompted by the game “Alone Among the Stars”, you can download it Here . You can follow my twitter here where I do stuff when I do stuff. Episode 2: Disjointed As he sat down in the pilot’s chair, Tauron became unconscious. It was decided in earlier Cyberman models that the ship could be better piloted by the AI within the ship than even the mechanised mind of a Cyberman, but these advanced ships still needed a humanoid to move parts, so the Cyberman ships basically hijacked the body of the pilot until it reached the desired location. His limbs worked mindlessly, steering at wheels and pulling at levers, the journey to this new planet took a total of 5 days, it could’ve been 3 if Tauron had specifically set course to this planet instead of letting the ship decide. While the journey went on, his mind was still kept alive. He dreamed of his old life, he was a starry-eyed Redshirt, tan skinned, he seemed to remember being significantly happier, but only...